Languent | learn English with the big bang theory s08e18


words: 302
marked as known: 0
remaining words: 302
words on this lesson
salon scientific theory article mentioned topic execution reporter lasagna mention helicopter view scientist marvel ketchup corrected equality thor sync refers stuart desert math began female discussion lots bang electric cable camera magazine credit ideas eating helping ruined dumb wrote shopping mood cooking bucks pounds israelites eloquence salons menorahs matzah meatloafs boutonniere alphabetically retold forgettable dits bloods shiva worshipper incensed briskets teachable hosted foreskin tums krishna bosom brisket mitzvah neanderthals drool autotrophs bitchy gettysburg removes meatloaf avengers pyramids elevated defrosting culinary marge fond unraveling heartburn suckle squeaky colon lump thrilled sphincter fibers leftover hogging feces sneezy editorial richer notion creates texture vegetable interviews transformer anal engineer perfume compromise candlelight poisoning sparkling raisins disneyland overlooked expressed cite engineering molecule exclude deciding overseas adults intellectuals conversations trek cakes propose goldberg entertained noodle gathering dessert burned dozen referred cure daytime expansion added tomatoes india dolphins insightful burp intelligent crucial curb played eaten worthy developed approaching freedom possessions breast following greener grass gratitude conduct pumping urine packets medium aside cooper drawer reminds cares telephone stands universe freezer comfortable kitchen pockets wandered household pray clothing cheers dropped extra thousand cards feeding ounce sometime invent prom prescribe hung muscles published hunger march noticed reading features include gender cited lovely books reads examples midnight physics billion memories unlike tools correct dense england celebrity wheel chap original french invite comic sets grumpy grease inspiration nearly bigger sight fixed spoke snow necessary block built responsible biggest covered genius reverse occasion turns mystery disaster smelly games jewish century matters mixed sword movies pound nine heating society statue blew bright ball talks fill staying invited throwing feelings issues aware notice anger bird cake promises stone focus toilet soup brings meat feels container reputation sells behave apparently allowed rule moisture crystals tight giant places ridiculous wonder cheer certainly lean relax picked size milk taste zero