Languent | learn English with the big bang theory s06e16


words: 229
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remaining words: 229
words on this lesson
valentine romance gift marry tumor ninja emergency bite mutants harp laundry washing choking propose cheated contribute cooper pizza gifts wine books comic pressure enjoy planned saved machine truly opportunity self-worth glaringly contemplation neuroscientist one-thousandth creed busboys microbiologist fowler dazzle bitten concur initials unhappy underpants crappy canterbury reservations thoughtful defining tales assassin oblivion chaps swept monkeys ideal spicy ruin google farming microscope illustrates theme songs neuroscience yards trek expression beloved romantic buttons compared facial spirit dessert drawings characters maps holiday headache socks employee santiago plays interests cooler cranky objects hearts grain remarkable surprises canceled solved phony boyfriend stuart kisses including dates sink cells managed rectum all-nighter screen commitment selfish painful passing option print obvious ruining stroke magical hits restaurant puts busting loves effort jackpot gray scientific kidney possess breaking presents shortly traditional lots conclusion medical frame sand beating someday weight england pulled pretend meal crawling modern hide blah bump pushing signed drove dibs letting third sensation lonely proof terrific luckily evening respond spider knee movies favorite color nine celebrate choices decide freaks forever lunch expecting sucks fill song hanging problems hiding passed hero dying slip usually blow cream issues journey worms likes community bird flowers literally tail destroy plate wrote stone subject taught doubt total caught load screw sharp page excellent yesterday thursday personally girlfriends obviously skinny dress bottom lately eventually asian greatest driving picked knock clearly size taste earlier