Languent | learn English with the big bang theory s05e01


words: 287
marked as known: 0
remaining words: 287
words on this lesson
nebraska engaged acting paintball cooper buck obvious slept kangaroo pinworms genitals hemorrhoid hemorrhoids candle ruin crunch penis commercial geology quickly juice battle bars quit mood knowing teach pants writing crap oates trundle upheaval caption neurobiologists dopamine promiscuity cortex sorensen pulleys pleasing aesthetically dusky outrank interdepartmental true-blue inspecting coitus mutiny toddler hindu teaser court-martial interject diagnosing flowery twitter shagging intercourse ruins sunblock metaphors sleepover sissy poems melanoma sarcasm underpants callback clarinet punishable randy undressed intimate sewing rubbish parasitic infections intricate waves conventional rewards agenda anal informed liquid amazon defense cupid ridge experiencing popcorn reflex google rank russia fails functional region unit function sergeant catherine procedure propose inspired rome parrot subtlety thriving disheveled burned noble sacrifice hygiene battlefield crawl sons jealous whore dies tropical footsteps india babies camouflage silly parenting ruled sprinkles awarded caps apologize disregard intake grinding handles following clumsy metaphor heroes according arrows rectum kindergarten accurate bastards drawer drunk horse skank promotion relations forgive screwed golf alcohol cheers bitches establish sack upside command sexual hung wine lack leadership draw confused remains conclusion chocolate books version friday teaching social department sheet monday considering recent physics jumped regular memories refer friendships closest crush apart waterfall offense professor parasites expert rides edge necessary track advice emerge pressure language development smiles earned weekend victory dressed emotional riding games glasses common tournament marry packing blue monkey available desk gold gotten excited roll survive awkward view bright pack tied nights chain hall events staying suck butterfly specifically naked friendship guest breath huge blame tree cream worms moved joke voice protection gentlemen ruined fell wrote wind liked church subject anyways suit wondering major quick load feed screw wonderful page dating dear listening reputation greek freaking rule keeping mommy giant asleep bedroom proud toast shower