Languent | learn English with the big bang theory s04e18


words: 248
marked as known: 0
remaining words: 248
words on this lesson
trick magic contacts cards indian cruel nobel wand tricks deck prize hanging wonder supercomputer finches axiomatic uranium magician seventh october clubs relocate shuffle darwin plumbing silk granted beep bitches breaking department distance figured winner flush source shopping toilet knowing clothes tattling shuffling residual eidetic remedial misdirection simpletons infer sutra kama testicles racially glum wiggling interject thingamabob uniforms tracer dwarf sneaks wardrobe racist homeland doctorate boxers briefs radioactive occasional showmanship confuse mannequin stuffed spades ex-boyfriend shirts underwear curry cord cello reader reveals autumn galapagos infrared regulation everyday manipulation washing permanently engineer rigged lieutenant uniform defense ridge spicy childish hacking analyze competed engineering marked processing trek measuring hack neighbors evolve manual outfit slipped hearts chum designed intrigue silly merely combination unfamiliar islands bush amazed switch determine stops pencil memory diamonds skull laboratory connected nephew permission unrelated observed slept disappear apologies restaurant senses observation club debate offered patterns spread canada context discuss text basis groups secrets shape stronger someday touched rubber burn suggest drives behavior motto tenth transmitting surely speech sight helicopters cones gives letting holy sake federal advice confident cameras crash improved shirt reverse familiar remind pathetic smell nature nose schools wanting fashion coolest positions neck monkey closed grade shake insensitive indeed image blowing speed meaning ancient saved gift machine build crime opening usually acceptance notice likes birds community bird flowers beak friendly upstairs college caught feed hoping prepare apparently worst giant dress heat apply eventually understood relax wash clearly fellow warm plus daily cleaning levels smells crap zero bacon