Languent | learn English with the big bang theory s04e16


words: 277
marked as known: 0
remaining words: 277
words on this lesson
tertiary secondary dentist suitable tongue forbid criminal monkey boring bedroom rhesus cocoa audition diseases eats beverage comfort email replaced roof sleeping nights guest tail culture wrote shopping cows eyebrows solution televangelist forbidding noggin smoldering brisket cavities cattiness shrew taming crocodiles plover akin analogous electroencephalogram catty hightailed schlep disenchanted tormented jackal reborn disobeys forbade apathetic dumps herpes pinning awkwardness disgraced troubling hindu dropout bengal portable scavenging crouched derivative tipping pepperoni sinuses drunken unannounced regretting bodacious bumps betrayal delight ramble entertain imposition pickle condom thai floss inquiry actress detergent laundry underwear stomped electrodes merits desires cord stimulate sexuality monitoring breathtaking educated arguably baking stem palm grounded experiencing firms optional primary advancements overseas region characteristics hedge afterwards ecosystem dries duty picky seek refuge controlling protocol hike string cheap cries carried insist inappropriate compliment india beef remarkable shepherds male accomplished moms gamble boyfriend neat remain urine mattress womb pizza cheddar strings holds criminals stomp porn situations responded substance market kitchen granted slightly potential slept activity airports arguing extra keys indian offered drawing smelled emotions sexual soap counter sending commercial cambridge currently classes lots investments visit social pieces afford highly pleased regular quote tiger german closest mate member attached quickly slipping activated farewell drove lover became necessary springs salt crash exciting nation weekend base snack allow treat remind considered smell agreed battery awfully couch appropriate former evening matters nose wasp fool tension technology career sting dance crying prize explosive plans replace prepared helping fancy falls absolute noises staying problems choose disease usually explode manage impose moved bird forgot broken teeth focus cheese toilet soda dating tails flip listening acting ends ways finds shame girlfriends pants planning tells driving wash clearly professional earlier