Languent | learn English with the big bang theory s03e19


words: 284
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remaining words: 284
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wesley giant crushers bowling ball bowl rabbits stuart cream fries ants premature waxing pressuring rematch romeo trek evil crusher crushing currently transportation quote sides poor jump tough character shoes opposite proud looser self-satisfaction bowler expounding appropriating bowlers dastardly elixir congeniality femininity creamed douches scrotal accolades thinly exoskeleton fluctuation butch spank scrotum weepy goblin genitals hormone tweet familiarizing hypotheses veiled discredited short-lived patched obsess accomplishment customary twitter disinfectant bowls rent-free departure transporter opinions explorer forfeit chili ringer championship lanes mended spat eavesdropping sarcasm vaguely empowered ignoring stakes cried loathe laundry albino galileo respiratory controversial crises strikes youth publicly guessed swept benadryl avatar emotionally dire brutal franchise quoted wiping studying kinder contempt spoken goldberg chanting maple collect spirit modes referred trash grudge stake overreacted misery note monthly chosen right-hand modest plays lasagna cooler pacific chicks eats mammals mode boyfriend pageant league pins relationships foolish imply west panties abrupt empire stands custom texas comfortable fence penis observed smug catching crushed ranking christian rats humiliated dropped strike substitute indian holes scientific possibility wound douche female pope physical lack internet discuss teachers related adding easily deserve stack owner maria someday training weight generation engineered burn embrace scientists tout east match particular sensitive impossible ahem comic pushing creeping admit spare strung holy chick strip losers occasion concentrate hover remove planet animal assuming roller emotional games enjoy appropriate advantage grandmother common century harder dated tournament respond fashion wars blue reminder bear decide insane pour syrup above indeed thoughts push prepared caused singing mama carrying throwing breath clever chatting liberty bird accidentally broken player beat mood magic leaves caught suppose sweetie bringing rule daylight walking mommy places publish heads tells jesus honestly asleep reserve unusual clearly surprise size bite cycle levels lane