Languent | learn English with the big bang theory s02e19


words: 286
marked as known: 0
remaining words: 286
words on this lesson
physicist upstairs lantern slob dressed advantage helping cream joke printer shucks shredded hooker vulnerable stool squid shields typical stomp bike jumping promised owner setting congratulations hive yellow battle mountain bird trap player opportunity topic clothes giant dress mustard awesome producers filly comely fallacious demonstrably atypical attire childless rugs faltering castanets hellos arachnids axiomatically diced hooking feline dumplings specifies characterization fertile ravishing drape spontaneously interject peeps quantum admiral platonic posh jogging loft sundae smugglers beehives dvds afterward housewarming cocaine callback skating oranges actress condoms geek ex-boyfriend indistinctly laundry steamed maid stereo memorize mimicry encounters cheesecake instruments creams physicists default halo uncomfortable auditions audition mocking freakishly singer locate perceive occurs purely dictates odds trek menu universal drift tricking stacked tactical sauce defeated pirate infants dish lame tenants floors particularly protocol whore plays olive parlor heels halls stray describe panting apples alley corn leading salsa teaches coke diet offers according exact determine discovery pencil pizza brown dolby grocery cares mechanics network renting hardwood ruining market kitchen explanation threatened engage oven user speaks rice restaurant occasionally innocent helps thousand dope probation possibility opera soap pretending arrive remains internet lots visit social accept musical figured backs starving orders checking recently neighbor mate modern technical television good-looking behavior shows satellite attempt opens cared asks empty tank letting county sake cast likely slowly occasion previous needing changes wooden trained smell lines enjoy shop former spiders fool fantastic color concludes bees gotten above dance awkward crying wood facing plans insulting fancy killing possibly chow rent choose gift chicken usually fish foot garden recurring nest scale factory destroy broken angry commercials anyways cats shoes warning page immediate downstairs horrible annoying calm definitely lifesaver buying dogs orange quiet stories bought honestly careful bedroom paint channel guilt