Languent | learn English with the big bang theory s01e15


words: 368
marked as known: 0
remaining words: 368
words on this lesson
missy genetic cuckoo twin medication potential rocket enjoy invented ordinary eggs aware scientist eyebrows noteworthy anaheim mediocre ignoring siblings suitable mistakes humor offspring destiny pajamas alike stock indian ended mate imaginary papers genius superior nine hitting grade hiding settle cheese separate refocused deluded freckling mutation pimping eskimo judo affluence gherkins fraternal spearfish quizzical semiconductor mailed indeterminacy shiksa agoraphobia crybabies suitor squabbling shiva pathological intolerance foreskin converts flatulent shyness sutra kama pharmacology testicles insistence coitus lactose substrates juvenile fertilization circumcision droll criticize cryogenic fertilized interject residing truthfully posterity bulletin delightfully pepperoni disorder loins crossbow invitations compulsive girth bowel chooses entertain mocha briefs scooter starve muffins stakes physicist underwear sperm high-powered rendered principle symmetry shuttle circuits likelihood conception heavier rhetorical subcontinent physicists indians religion measurable enable deems uterus integrity ordering motorcycles nails destroyer latte existing expects disneyland roommate assumed implanted integrated movements desirable humanity experimental begun increases anxiety improvement odds donor frequent remote punished donate unreasonable hallelujah smiling cane pharmaceuticals good-bye rabbi obsessive polish niece miracle camp hatched creature attacks noted guts frankly string tubes pleasant weep alternate panic india strongest remarkable produces eats corn crooked behold bake accepted noise testing embarrassed drew metaphor incredibly robot armed pizza dryer cares taller farting western universe focusing math texas storage nephew colleagues oven weigh catching staring puts estate furnace drugs dealing wrapped onion hunting curriculum hopeful possibility reduced effects entirely thesis selection structure practical volunteers theoretical currently measure online proposal examine diversity social anticipate glory smarter humiliating regular resting wishes hole attractive mates chop neighbor bridge plenty french project dramatically standard prone introduce further comic twins wins newly homemade followed necessary parking ending beauty champion points sleeping unnecessary terrific pointed treat remind considered overcome luckily appropriate lived honorable poor sole grandmother jewish evening theory label tiny attracted decide gate helmet golden pork subjects plans snacks expecting bragging fancy rush swallow simply shared basket create build goodbye usually episode mentioned exotic tall birds bird nest natural suggested culture wrote church neither bastard detour subject privacy flash wondering disgusting magic brings ceramic opportunity consider individual warning bunch dating hoping legs issue responsibility concerned acting downstairs opposite interested apparently suddenly ways style equipment wonder round certainly wash drug pounds proud placed carry fascinating prefer difference