Languent | learn English with house of cards s04e02


words: 478
marked as known: 0
remaining words: 478
words on this lesson
doris speech campaign clinic congress jones tree congresswoman earrings breast texas asylum affairs veterans cancer hale extortion ivory russia lied union directly plate willing district motorcades courting moscow shook seizing fingerprints dallas prep resistance november donors poke senate amendment members traitor played connect travel medication bold election process leadership removed speaker blessing terms deserve billion fear spoke leaders political california begin proof session window lunch plans retired continue request daddy sharp issue murder sell joneses screenings relented taupe ruble cassius unseat bangor teleprompters classless accentuate tenacious hustling detainment underwoods parenthood uncouth retires danton republicans orchestrating andrews aides diagnoses texans overcame viability graceless shameless overshadowed carat capitol brokering seizures repairing checkbooks jordan tensions dispel traitors vile formulating midst rotunda edits brutus slay coup remarks adored killings amaze undermine screams stalled jacking endorsement debts airspace outspoken adversity orchestrated upcoming escorted deported pedicure bridges doubtful casts cried recovering connecting endorsed votes stables delaying tycoon formidable tech compelled reducing default seized hustle primaries congressional seth electorate scandal vodka appropriations financed delivering siberia plotting cease candidacy guessed barbarian quarantined whack moments gesture compensation handling brighter gallery founder approve threats significantly deciding challenges regime communications assets display acknowledge legislation engaging coal odds facility whacking heather donate decade stations puppet slightest darkness writers burned perimeter shed raining specialty length particularly expansion assurances hoped jersey son-in-law stood whiskey stubborn wore outfit experiences fetch landed whip soak maine soft refuse secure arranging dragon maiden donations joint funds dispute collapse acted misread foolish treated prices mantle guarantee privilege served deliver obligated banks empire stands exploring diamonds finger diamond adamant terry cigarettes comfortable disappointment colleagues watched straightforward arrival leads disappear keeps differently china arguing estate immediately carats media chopped pissed ninth businessmen offered successful backyard hung paranoid sakes newspapers attending convincing funding committee noticed solid similar direct communication linked delighted america conclusion visit proposal profound social brief economy afford affordable tool entered treating highly hill tense motivation included veteran increase mention strength period hotel loses quickly impact americans television photo prefers tenth pity timing draft fifty bigger client brakes leaning valley pleasure arrived strategy sake federal track retirement likely tarmac concentrate delay airport nation changes production health allow assuming considered smell legally enjoy lived companies poor dots supporting race evening harder rumors drag jammed washington respond elected fool predicted picking tattoo dangerous planned jobs latest career gotten walked crying faith bright trial learned expecting harvey replace stole prepared showed climbed seeking mama killing eggs hanging treatment impressive lift choose tired regards sends guests presenting applause guest build hated opening usually super aware passionate gentlemen woke tail understanding angry administration convince liked neither toilet beat missed disgusting doubt brings percent awful opportunity wonderful deny education feels action dare higher term current reached separate personally clothes pants tight negotiate places smoke quiet crisis stage rate dollars certainly lung breakfast chest careful asleep finished bedroom trade fellow proud cycle energy difference taste