Languent | learn English with house of cards s03e02


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remaining words: 728
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senator leadership america program military congress nomination speech admit jobs grandstanding lasted doubts vote sources irrelevant argument secrets ticket court hoping birch republicans capitol drone justices entitlements govern supreme congressional democratic defense counsel candidate nations ambassador senate serve strike appealing announce social email nation benefit washington campaign nine fresh focus opportunity appointment listening price certainly redefine approvals procedural undivided succeeds solicitor walker strong-arm outright chiefs resolution votes unite effectiveness liberal logic privately seth entitled senators roosevelt remained fails elections welfare republican requires classified spoken heather ally voted pardons allowing troops frankly recess hearts whip apologize joint terry colleagues assault bold hostage concerns success citizen sexual election advantages benefits process behalf context succeeded discuss discussion staff concern foreign economic several deserve progress hearing interrupt pretend suggest americans dedicated spoke built route strategy popular chief mall allow considered awfully session intend elected roll above faith prepared build blame settle convince pink major quick held consider legs rolling current detail growth ushered handouts eclipses afforded commemoratives derrick backer pound-foolish penny-wise chairmen repaying cooke entails backpedal shortlist majorities disciplinarian radicalism combating wracked statecraft shepherded medicaid reelected proponent placeholder campaigning finalist nays yeas rhetoric danton fundraising subs preempt impeachment agendas legislators undermines positioned poorest amputated unwavering incumbent correspondent equivocate shaky heavy-handed testicles disproportionate characterization speculate unrest second-guess quell impulsive robber hypothetical remiss compounded solely deference skeletons golfer disinclined tipping illustrate wits occupying behaved admiral diplomacy unveil premature bash strides dubbed savior fending nominate lobbying rile shortsighted challenger smuggling dakota resigned qualifies dismiss hardship soften nonprofit gale iowa nepotism remainder clerk imposition signatures statements raising advocate screamed engraved casting burma closure espresso whipped veto restless overview consultant islamic merits goals mineral medicare diminishing politically capita liability peacekeeping formidable crippled sanctions conducted characterizing servicemen precedent additionally clip injured achieving myanmar speculation primaries deems tiptoe covert agenda fronts cooperate leverage supporters emails publicly remark authorized screening briefing polls expertise moments suspected reconsider abandon congo unstable brutal maintains unemployed pulitzer addressing networks founded postpone november requests ratings intention voting efforts gallery conservative russia threats accord reforms newer spirits poorer necessity radical deciding handed comprehensive reform countries healthcare legislation prohibit candidates resources liberated comments meaningful asap reject naturally unfair summit pebble achieve dodge representatives appreciation indicate separation gathered peril schedules continent decade rethink authority reinvent abandoning develop utter choosing serving spirit continued consulted chose launching easter duty faced ranks attacks demeanor patriotic chairman members presidential encourage continuing introduction cocktail guaranteed reasons vendetta policy dies influence loyalty advisor courts slipped mental jinx formally gloves mining represents distracted desperately backing tongue domestic pursuing by-product accomplished lied confirm cancel secure rejected worthy revisit combination developed including contribute eighteen civil received waking unemployment experimentation significant according west maintain jelly tactic deliver presidents politics larger initiative memory unfortunate refreshments badge fence thousands ordered cautious vacate failed productive watched permission forthright ears apologies leaks puts remembers investment media chair silent illegal bless bills asset operations debt specific spread wire joining christ began laws perspective closet proposed forced square vocal postponed rely utmost representative committee promised remains closely application receive text challenged conference details scheduled industry executive emailed opposition driven majority brief method written supported interrupting humiliating recent based physics stronger billion unified oval assistant legacy crashed maimed yield beating hill fear decisive announcement comment host tools urgent jets correct despite powerful strength butter period member checked multiple east cost throughout mission platform qualify sees introduce invite attempt supper halfway clock buys setting circle draft pushing bigger persistent neon disrespectful gives lincoln necessary pleasure county sake track fans confident winning third leaders title pressure focused flesh exchange center reverse damage developing afternoon official california final returning begin balance result assuming stall legal emotional agreed inner provide paying sugars common supporting evening source interest raised value global interview blue opened surprised throat decide approach example golden handsome image blowing ideas tackle fail facing goal expecting nervous descended faster singing blown minds seeking events intelligence simply opinion tough saved rent closer hundreds choose hundred admire request sailing beach bites desire slip fish cream foot schedule practiced disappointed wind administration hungry root player scare subject toilet beat wondering mood effect shoes rules peanut approval education coin flip demands issue wheelchair responsibility dare concerned yesterday forms ends calm bringing grateful bullshit personally twice keeping obviously awake negotiate stable rare dollars planning heads tells jesus eyebrows wipe understood asleep bedroom sooner cash clearly placed carry daily cycle elements prefer admission