Languent | learn English with house of cards s01e06


words: 557
marked as known: 0
remaining words: 557
words on this lesson
strike teachers brick congress congressman education disorganized labor blame stamper debate campaign responsibility cardiff legislation governor unions meetings bricks leadership funding draft necessary jobs threw ideas throwing wondering opportunity threaten personally schooled sickens shipyard capitol dozens provoked watershed investing compromise delaware ratings intention candidate reform vowel shift characters windows broad struck remain educating praying apology covering badge stepping capital proposed union arranged afford deserve river drinking comment closing platform admit standards sponsor victory proof session cloud bother window belong battle continue crossed choose fate issues schedule skin respects teacher stuck approval issue violence twice dollars jesus post corner fired district difference uppity gangland coddled overcook frees hone spoofs techno gaffe reruns strategist edification defecation trotting sudanese deplore rhetoric beefing self-restraint slaved gallbladder bahrain rubicon nosedive congressmen shipbuilders birch durant cogent sponsored reevaluate grader pancreas tweet logged cowardice aneurysm condemn exile opportunistic devolve colossal graces rerun adored afghanistan underprivileged stoop discharge residential brewed senseless sobriety spokesman atlanta filters sesame head-on ringer unsafe apologizing oversee suppress protocols lined vigilance southeast corrections rattle cock amends slate pedestal sincerely assaulted taxpayer costing folding seize karma debating foam vowels admirable spawned definitive categorically strokes pennsylvania reflects disciplined absorb debates bystander moderate essentially clip inexpensive logic chalk bosses districts seized congressional defensive democrats agenda dispatch involvement philadelphia prep publicly august briefing collective nail livelihood inconvenience abandon elementary sober dipping conservative phrase overseas improvised sympathy classroom creating thus bargaining republican hull requires shanghai donor spoken charter acres slug catherine unreasonable billions defy hack infection plain blank humor develop hardest neighbors transfer scar fort marines customs allowing defending troops encourage appreciated cracker reasons safer baker dies reasonable dago suspended distracting judgment distracted sync stray domestic adventure played villain apologize programs freedom joint coffin careless toss clumsy accounts exact disappoint naming aside served commitment initiative gorgeous intimidation offering finger ambitious network thousands relations ordeal productive watched abide threatened owes disappear bloody degenerate pray hits serve expensive believing investment extra chair falling keys felony cell pride bullet affairs upside x-ray prom bills background pocket specific army wound piss forced square organized response process lack context consultation directly similar closely internet breaks text staff projects details environmental economic infrastructure books announce accountable terms requirement easily hearing lesson letters accept joined billion oval wasted traction wishes hollow bells failure fear defeat ability weight quote investigation guns blamed ashamed figured powerful largest stopped meantime families chances east patient plenty television introduce prove invite alternative prop clock lower empty tricks kinda spoke valley letting international blink federal camera stretch gain idiot third chief retirement points aiming turns damage afternoon airport final base shutting charges smell unfortunately superior honorable pointless shoulders studio source whatsoever washington respond elected runs fool deli sticks bored surprised insane millions funeral adam punches view handsome credit knees faith blowing bright ball neighborhood goal expecting harvey stole prepared killing tour staying invited thick lift tired naked houses machine create crime breath goodbye opening dying happiness blow incident terrifying foot fresh aware joke voice gentlemen performance cake soul headed settle angry convince hungry quit church neither stone strongly focus suit mostly major total dragging awful truly held rules preferable feed deny starts hoping knowing excellent legs form messed action weapon waste knowledge prepare tone ends type bringing ways grateful worst negotiate recovery stage sell prison turning suspect powder fully understood sooner detail noon local haul placed bite shooting cycle